Kicks Plus Coffee
Join Kasidy and Tasha - Christian moms, entrepreneurs and sneaker fans as they have honest & entertainingly caffeinated conversations about what womanhood, marriage, faith, work, friendship and motherhood looks like with Jesus as the center. The best conversations happen in your favorite sneakers with your favorite coffee - so lace 'em up & grab your cup. Laugh a little, learn a little & be encouraged.
Kicks Plus Coffee
Let's Bible Study: Book of Ruth Pt. 1
We are walking through the first two chapters of Ruth today on the pod - if you're new to studying or just need a Ruth refresher - we got you! There's some good stuff in here for all of us - grab your Bible and turn or scroll with us and let's dive in. Unless you're driving...
Also...snacks anyone?
Interested in studying your Bible more? Check out our episode on How to Bible Study to learn more.
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